Common Threads

Why live with us?
First developed in 2002, Common Threads is learning community for freshmen in the Apparel Merchandising, and Design (AMD) major. Approximately 27 students may live in the residential component in Maple Hall. The learning community consists of an academic, peer mentor, and residential component.
The academic component consists a university orientation class and a major specific orientation. In addition, there is reserved seating in two beginning level AMD classes: AMD 165 Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in Society and AMD 131 Fashion Products and Markets. One section of English 150 is reserved for AMD students who would like to enhance their writing experiences with topics related more closely to their major.
Five to six AMD peer mentors work to provide students experiences and information to aid in the successful adjustment to the academic, social, and personal challenges college may present. Peer mentors organize study and project work sessions, creativity sessions, and social activities.
Eligibility Requirements
First-year students enrolled in the apparel, merchandising and design major.
Courtney Barbour