Agricultural Education and Studies (AGEDS)
Why live with us?
Students will take a common set of classes and will be involved in various educational and social activities. Additionally, faculty, staff, and peer mentors will be involved to encourage the academic, social, and career development of participants. The AGEDS 110 course will be the hub of learning community activities. Students will be split into groups of 10-15, with each group being assigned a peer mentor who is a returning student from the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies. Students that select the residential option will be assigned to a residence hall floor featuring a cluster of students from the same major as well as students from across campus.
Eligibility Requirements
All incoming undergraduate students in the Agricultural Studies, Agricultural Education and Agricultural Communications curriculums.
All students are automatically enrolled in the non-residential component of the AGEDS Learning Community. Additional information will be provided during orientation.
The residential component is optional and may be preferenced during the housing contracting process.
Ben Chamberlain
Nate Dobbels