Computer Engineering Learning Teams (CELTs)

Why live with us?
During fall semester, students in the computer engineering learning community participate in either CprE 184, Computer Engineering Learning Community or CprE 185, Introduction to Computer Engineering and Problem Solving I. The goal of these courses is to obtain experience solving engineering problems and presenting solutions through technical reports both individually and as a team. They involve computer-based projects and solutions of engineering problems using a programming language.
During spring semester, students in the computer engineering learning community are able participate in the second semester course, CprE 186 Introduction to Computer Engineering and Problem Solving II. In CprE 186, students design, implement, test, and present computer based projects in an interactive, team oriented approach. All teams are self-directed and the projects are representative of problems faced by computer and/or cyber security engineers.
Eligibility Requirements
Freshmen in Computer or Cyber Security Engineering.
Leah Eilers