So much more
than a floor.

House Details

Floor # 3,4
Capacity 54
Room Types Single, Double
Gender Co-Ed
Average Ceiling Height Between 8’6″ and 8’8″, with a downward slant toward the exterior wall on the top floor
Furnishings Lofted beds; built-in closet with dresser OR wardrobe with drawers (please check floor plan); corner desk with chair and bookshelf; window blinds; wastebasket; and recycling basket.

House History

Anna Helen Tappan served as an assistant professor of mathematics at Iowa State from 1914 to 1917. After leaving Iowa State she served on the staff of Western College as professor of mathematics, dean of women and as academic dean. She was one of 10 women to receive the Alumni Citation at the Western College Centennial in 1953, a rare and coveted honor.