This page provides information for Animals in Residence. Students should become familiar with the full University Animals On Campus policy,, as well as the Department of Residence Behavioral Policy as related to animals in on-campus housing. In general, animals, including visiting animals, are prohibited in on-campus housing, with the following exceptions:


Definition: A gill-bearing aquatic craniate animal that lacks limbs with digits

  1. Documentation and prior approval are NOT required for fish.
  2. Fish are permitted in all residence halls and apartments, limited to one (1) aquarium with appropriate equipment, per contracted resident.
  3. The maximum aquarium capacity allowed with 30 gallons per room.


Definition: Any animal kept for ordinary companionship.

  1. Documentation and prior approval ARE REQUIRED, prior to bringing any pet to campus. The following documentation should be submitted to
    • Submit a completed Animals in Residence form
    • Submit a clear and recent photo of the animal
    • Submit written verification from a veterinarian that the animal is in good health and has received all necessary vaccinations required in the state of Iowa
      • Dogs and cats MUST be vaccinated for Rabies before they will be permitted into on-campus housing. Very young puppies and kittens who are not yet old enough to be vaccinated for Rabies are therefore not permitted.
  2. Pets are permitted ONLY in the following apartments:
    • Frederiksen Court 2 bed/2 person apartments in buildings 71-74
    • University Village buildings 121-125 and 145-163
    • Schilletter Village buildings 11-16
  3. Pets are limited to one (1) pet per resident (beginning Fall 2024)

Assistance Animals

All animals are considered pets unless/until determined to be a Service or Emotional Support animals through the Reasonable Accommodation Process.

  • Students seeking an Assistance Animal as a reasonable disability accommodation should register with Student Accessibility Services.
  • Student Accessibility Services will communicate your need for the accommodation to the Department of Residence after eligibility can be determined. At such time, a meeting with the student and the Department of Residence will be scheduled to discuss accommodation, confirm responsibilities and rules, and complete required forms.
  • An approved Assistance Animal may not reside in on-campus housing until the following forms have been submitted by the student to
    • A completed Animals in Residence form.
    • A clear and recent photograph of the animal
    • Written verification from a veterinarian that the animal is in good health, has received all necessary vaccinations required in the state of Iowa.
      • Dogs and cats MUST be vaccinated for Rabies before they will be permitted into on-campus housing. Very young puppies and kittens who are not yet old enough to be vaccinated for Rabies are therefore not permitted.
    • Responsibilities of Owners of Service Animals and/or Emotional Support Animals in University Housing Form (to be completed at meeting with Department of Residence)
    • Roommate Agreement, if applicable

Service Animal

Definition: A dog (or in limited circumstances a miniature horse) that is individually trained, to do specific work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.

  1. Documentation and prior approval are REQUIRED for Service Animals (see process above).
  2. Service Animals are generally permitted to accompany people with disabilities in all university buildings/facilities where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are allowed.
  3. A Service Animal’s access to certain areas on campus may need to be limited should the Service Animal’s presence create an undue hardship to the university.
  4. Only one (1) Service Animal will be permitted per resident and generally only one (1) Service Animal will be assigned per university housing unit.

Emotional Support Animal

Definition: An animal that provide necessary emotional support or comfort to an individual with a disability that alleviates one or more identified symptoms of that individual’s disability. Unlike Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals (“ESAs”) have not been trained to perform a specific job or task for an individual with a disability, do not assist an individual with a disability with activities of daily living, and do not accompany an individual with a disability at all/most times.

  1. Documentation and prior approval are REQUIRED for Emotional Support Animals (see process above).
  2. Emotional Support Animals are restricted to residential areas and are not otherwise permitted inside other university buildings.
  3. Emotional Support Animals are not allowed in any other university buildings or facilities (dining centers, libraries, academic buildings, classrooms, labs, etc.) other than the university housing facility to which the individual is assigned.
  4. Only one (1) Emotional Support Animal will be permitted per resident and generally only one (1) Emotional Support Animal will be assigned per university housing unit.

Owner Responsibility

I. Responsibilities of Owners in University Housing

A. Owner is responsible and required to ensure the animal is well cared for at all times.

B. Owner is responsible for ensuring that animal is appropriately kenneled or caged when unattended by the owner in the owner’s room during the day.

C. Owner may not leave animal overnight in university housing unattended. Owners may not leave animal overnight to be cared for by another individual/student. Animal must be taken with the owner or removed from campus by a designee of the owner if the owner leaves campus overnight.

D. Owner is responsible for assuring that the animal does not unreasonably interfere with the routine activities of the residence facility or of other individuals who reside or work there. Owner must maintain control of the animal at all times.

E. Owner is responsible for ensuring the cleanup of the animal’s waste. If an emotional support animal requires a litter box, the litter box must be cleaned regularly and placed on a mat to avoid tracking litter onto carpeted surfaces.

F. Owner is solely responsible for the actions of the animal, including any damages the animal may cause (bodily injury and/or property damage). Owner’s responsibility covers but is not limited to replacement of furniture, carpet, window, wall covering, etc. Owner is expected to cover these costs at the time of repair and/or move-out of university housing.

G. Owner is responsible for any expenses incurred for cleaning above and beyond a standard cleaning or for repairs to university premises that are assessed after the student and animal vacate the residence. The university shall have the right to bill the student account of Owner for unmet obligations.

H. Owner is responsible for the animal in all emergency situations. ISU and ISU employees will not be required to provide care or food for any service or emotional support animal including, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evacuation for events such as a fire alarm. Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may not be held responsible for the care, damage to, or loss of the animal.

I. Owner is responsible for notifying the Department of Residence in writing if the animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. The animal is allowed in university housing only as long as it is necessary because of the Owner’s disability. To replace an animal, the new animal must be necessary because of the Owner’s disability and the Owner must follow the procedures in this Policy and the Reasonable Accommodation Policy when requesting a different animal.

J. Owner agrees to abide by all other Department of Residence policies and contractual obligations. Prior to the date that the animal is moved into the residence, Owner will be asked to review and acknowledge receipt of the policy and the Responsibilities of Owners of Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals and Pets on University Property Agreement.

K. Owner is responsible for providing written consent for Student Accessibility Services and the Department of Residence to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of an animal to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal including, but not limited to, DOR personnel and potential and/or actual roommate(s)/neighbor(s). Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information related to the individual’s disability.

II. Responsibilities of All Owners on University Property

A. University Animals on Campus Policy: Owner must abide by all applicable rules, requirements and procedures pertaining to animals on ISU property as detailed in the Animals on Campus Policy, that policy’s procedures and guidance and the Responsibilities of Owners of Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals and Pets on University Property Agreement.

B. Regulations and Laws: The Owner must abide by current city, county, and state ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. It is the owner’s responsibility to know and understand these ordinances, laws, and regulations. The university has the right to require documentation of compliance with such ordinances, laws, and/or regulations, which may include a vaccination certificate and documentation showing that the animal has been appropriately licensed.

C. Control: Owner must be in full control of the animal at all times.

D. Waste: Owner is responsible for ensuring the cleanup of the animal’s waste.

E. Vaccination: In accordance with local ordinances and regulations the animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. Dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag. Cats should have the normal vaccinations required for a healthy animal.

F. Health: Animals must have an annual clean bill of health from a licensed veterinarian. Documentation can be a vaccination certificate for the animal or a veterinarian’s statement regarding the animal’s health. The university has authority to direct that the animal receive veterinary attention.