Flex Seating for Friley Windows
You may have noticed the new look that Friley Dungeons went through over break. Friley Windows has been a popular destination and finding an open table has, at times, been a challenge. To better serve the guests and give everyone a place to enjoy their meal, ISU Dining developed a flex seating option utilizing space in Friley Dungeons during busy times.
“We heard from IRHA (Inter Residence Hall Association) students about the seating challenges along with seeing the need firsthand,” Karen Rodekamp, Director of ISU Dining said. “Students were not finding seats, standing at salad bar and service counters to eat, which is a health code violation. Backpacks and bags were sitting on the ground due to seating being maximized, creating hazards.”
The flex seating space may be used during peak seating periods; at lunch (Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) and late-night dinner (Monday through Thursday, 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.). It will only be used if the need arises. Signs will be posted when the flex seating is open. ISU Dining will have a staff member monitoring the flex seating area when it is open to prevent guests leaving Windows through dungeons.
“The early feedback we’ve received from students has been very positive – they’re grateful for the additional space,” Rodekamp added.
When not in use, you are welcome to use the space. However, we ask that you do not move the booths. Please be aware that you may be asked to relocate to a different area of dungeons if the dining staff needs to open the flex seating area. ISU Dining will also work with Friley Hall residents if they need to use the space for a large meeting or event. Contact the hall directors for details on how to reserve the space.
At the end of the semester, dining staff will reevaluate the flex seating option and make changes as necessary. If you have any questions, please reach out to ISU Dining at dining@iastate.edu.