So much more
than a floor

House Details

Floor # 1
Capacity 42
Room Types Single, Double
Gender Male
Average Ceiling Height Between 8’2″ and 8’8″
Furnishings Lofted bed; desk with bookshelf and desk chair; built-in closet with three-drawer dresser OR wardrobe with drawers (please check floor plan); window blinds; wastebasket; recycling basket; mirror and towel bar.

House History

Named for Quincy Ayers (1891-1963). Ayers served Iowa State for over 40 years as a teacher and administrator. He was a pioneer in developing courses in soil and water conservation in the department of agricultural engineering. As secretary and manager of the Iowa State Research Foundation, he was the leading spirit in developing University policy on patents and administering patents resulting from research on the campus. He served with distinction in World War I & II and was a retired navy captain.