So much more
than a floor.

House Details

Floor # 2
Capacity 49
Room Types Single, Double
Gender Male
Average Ceiling Height Between 9’6″ and 10′
Furnishings Lofted bed; either a closet with a dresser or a wardrobe with drawers; desk, desk chair, bookshelf; wastebasket; recycle bin; mirror (full-length); towel bar; shower curtain.

House History

Named for Iza Merchant (1901-1963). Merchant was the first Director of Social Life at Iowa State. She earned her M.S. from Iowa State in 1928, and began her career teaching in the English Department. She organized Tau Gamma for town girls and the Ward System for unaffiliated men, as well as Campus Varieties and Exchanges. She was active in community affairs and was widely known for her work with veterinarian’s wives’ organizations.